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Shopee运费怎么算的?虾皮物流运费表buy IG host,smm panel ins likes



我们以虾皮SLS物流为例,大部分 都是以10g为首重,10g为一个续重,每10g大概是2毛到6毛多,1kg的东西如果按0.25每10g来计算,大概是25元运费左右,具体以每个 的运费标准来计算,这里附上运费表。

Taking shrimp SLS logistics as an example, in most countries, the initial weight considered is 10g, which is then consistently applied. This equates to approximately 2 to more than 6 strands of hair per 10g. In cases where the weight is 1kg and is charged at 0.25 per 10g, the total cost would amount to around 25 yuan. The specific calculation is determined by the freight rates established in each country, which are provided in the attached freight table.

重量越重的,收的运费就越高,所以很多 跨境卖家都是以小件轻的,那种配件走量会比较多,比如耳机、钢化膜、手机壳、眼镜、首饰、衣服等。


Take Taiwan, China for instance; its proximity to the mainland ensures a well-developed logistics system. Shipping costs start at approximately 3.5 yuan for the initial weight of 0.5kg, with each additional 0.5kg incurring a charge of around 7 yuan. Items like dresses, which typically weigh between 300-500g, fall within the first weight category. Many popular products on the platform follow a similar shipping pattern. These include items such as IG hosts and SMM panel Instagram likes.

当然还有些商家是做大件的,可以走 的大件物流服务和海运陆运渠道,一般海运是以体积重和实物重取一个 大值来计算的,也就是长*宽*高/体积重比正常是6000,货物大但是不重,算体积重量。货物重但是不大,取实物重量。

