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纸飞机 购买 eBay Best Offer议价功能更新!订单成交效率将大大提升!cheap IG likes,ins likes

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/buyfensi/』 - This is a real-time payment method similar to auction. For a long time, the seller is very disgusted that the inventory is allocated to the sales, but the goods are still unpaid, which leads to the seller being unable to make a profit or deliver goods. With the launch of eBay's good quotation function, sellers can reduce the step of price negotiation, improve the speed of order transaction, and quickly obtain the payment of buyers.cheap IG likes,ins likes🟨🟧🟩🟦

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eBay议价(Best Offer)功能是指买家会对某件商品提出议价,卖家有48小时的时间决定是否接受该议价。如果卖家在listing中设置了接受上限、下限的功能,eBay会自动根据设置来决定自动接收或拒绝议价。

EBay's best offer function means that the buyer will negotiate the price of a commodity, and the seller has 48 hours to decide whether to accept the negotiation. If the seller sets the upper and lower limit of acceptance in listing, eBay will automatically decide to automatically accept or reject the negotiation according to the setting.cheap IG likes,ins likes


这是一个类似拍卖的即时付款方式。一直以来,卖家非常反感的就是库存被分配到销售中,但商品依旧还未支付,这就导致卖家无法盈利也不能发货。eBay 佳报价功能的推出,卖家可以减少价格谈判这一步骤,提高订单成交速度,也能快速获得买家的付款。

This is a real-time payment method similar to auction. For a long time, the seller is very disgusted that the inventory is allocated to the sales, but the goods are still unpaid, which leads to the seller being unable to make a profit or deliver goods. With the launch of eBay's good quotation function, sellers can reduce the step of price negotiation, improve the speed of order transaction, and quickly obtain the payment of buyers.cheap IG likes,ins likes



小编✎   Irene/3月ins刷粉丝营销网


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